Zuzana Slobodová

This year One World feels like home

One World 2022 will be held from November 5 to 11. The topic of the upcoming 23rd year’s program is home.

In recent years, the experience of the pandemic has tied us to our homes. For some, it is associated with positive life innovations, such as baking bread or spending time with family. However, there are also people among us who experience unwanted violence at home, who lost their home due to war or climate change, or who never had one. Not for everyone, one of the basic words in our vocabulary is associated with heat, which he likes.

Chinese dream and hidden nationalism

We present the first film of the festival program – Ascension (2021). Thanks to this film, for a moment you will find yourself in the factories where the most ordinary things of our households are made, but also intelligent robotic sex dolls.

Its Chinese-American director and producer Jessica Kingdon will personally come to One World in November. “The country that used to be known as the world’s factory is now one of the largest consumer markets in the world,” she told Vogue magazine. This is due to the so-called Chinese dream. This term was popularized by President Xi Jinping. Although it resembles the American dream and promises that if people work hard, they will achieve economic stability, but in reality, Chinese nationalism is hidden behind it.

Perhaps the most surprising moment in the film is the craftsmanship of the female workers who painstakingly paint and adjust the robot dolls. “It was the height of irony in the workplace,” Kingdon said in an interview with Vogue. “You see women tenderly making dolls for the most basic male desire, but at the same time it’s just a normal job for them.”


The feature film Ascension received nominations for the Oscar, Critics Choice Awards, Cinema Eye Honors, IDA Award, and Independent Spirit Award. In her masterclass for the public and students at One World, Jessica will present her method of creating an author’s film in a country where totalitarian regime surveillance is omnipresent.

You can tune in to Jessica’s work thanks to the short film It’s Coming! about intelligent robotic sex dolls and their production. She co-directed this film with director Nathan Truesdell. We would like to point out that the film is not suitable for the underaged.

Look into homes anywhere in the world

For us, the documentary is the way we look at the world, and that’s why we decided to work with the statement of the cult social-critical French documentarian Agnès Varda in our communication this year. „Cinema is my home. I think I’ve always lived in it.“ says our Executive Director Eva Križková and she continues: “No matter how different our homes are and thousands of kilometers apart, thanks to movies we can visit each other, as well as entertain, accept and understand each other.”

Agnes Varda Quotation: Cinema is my home. I think I have always lived in it.

Sustainable visual

Vizuál pre Jeden svet aj tento rok vytvorila Katarína Balážiková (Critical daily, SND). Opäť sprostredkúva kontakt s protagonistami z dokumentárnych filmov, ktoré na festivale uvidíš, a s ich životmi. Tento rok však k typografii pribudli rôzne tvary objektov. Práve tie odkazujú nato, aké významy v sebe skrývať pojem DOMOV.

The visual for this One World was also created this year by Katarína Balážiková (Critical daily, SND). Again, it mediates contact with the protagonists from the documentary films that you will see at the festival and with their lives. Different shapes of objects were added to the typography this year. These objects refer to the meanings that the term HOME can hide in itself.





kino lumiere
svet medzi riadkami



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