DANCEFULLNESS LAB – Session of mindfulness in movement and creative expression
Dance away your stress & boost your creativity with Irena Taskovski! #meantalhealth #embodiment #creativeleadership #consiousness „Making impactful creative films, being successful, changing the world, ALL of this starts with self care, mental health hygiene and conscious filmmaking culture “ ABOUT SESSION : Everyone is welcome. You dont have to have any previous experience of dance, movement mindfulness or conscious leadership practices. Dress comfortable clothes …
Film sound workshop
(accessible also to visually impaired participants) The goal of this event is to answer questions on the function of sound in audiovisual creation. Film sound is built in relation to image, creating an acoustic space in which communication is realised. Can we replace the story element in the picture with sound, even without words? Apart …
One World After Dark
Powerful film experiences need a debrief in friendly company, and the many guests to our films provide an opportunity for new introductions and friendships. So don’t leave One World even after dark and continue with us at the bar and Café A4 – A Place of Contemporary Culture. At selected times we will also have …
Audiovision without Barriers II: Blind people have the right to cinema too
Hostia: Francesca Raffi, renowned expert on inclusion and comprehensive access to cultural spaceEva Križková, Executive Director of the One World Film FestivalBranislav Mamojka, predseda NROZP – Národná rada občanov so zdravotným postihnutím v SRMereijn van der Heijden, representative of EARCATCH internationalMartin Šmatlák, Audiovisual Fund SlovakiaEmília Perez, media accessibility expert Blind people have the right to go …
Flashback – slávnostné odovzdávanie cien spojené s predstavením Divadla bez domova
Po predstavení bude nasledovať ohliadnutie za Jedným svetom 2022, odovzdávanie cien za víťazné filmy a projekcia víťazného filmu. Program 19:00 Divadlo bez domova: Flashback20:00 Ohliadnutie za Jedným svetom 2022 a odovzdávanie cien medzinárodnej poroty víťazom21:00 Premietanie víťazného filmu Hra Flashback retrospektívne prináša na javisko umelecký proces, ktorý prebiehal počas desiatich rokov divadelnej tvorby Divadla bez …
Café Europe: Europe after the War
Hostia: Katarína Mathernová, European Commission in Slovakia Tomáš Bokor, Slovak Aid Alexander Duleba, Slovak Foreign Policy Association Moderated by Andrea Najvirtová (People in Need) Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine has put the European Union in the spotlight. Many countries now perceive it not only as an economic space that provides opportunities for a better quality of life, …
Discussion with the Daily N: How to find a balance and not disparage? Images of the Roma minority in the media
Guests:Tomáš Kratochvíl, director of Pongo CallingPeter Ivanič, Svet medzi riadkamiMichaela Mudroňová, social integration programmes, People in Need Hosted by Juraj Koník, Denník N. Most journalists working in the media today are from the ethnic majority. This can, even in good faith, affect the way they communicate information regarding the Roma – and other – minorities. …
Café Európa: Stratení v reklame
Hostia:Filip Struhárik, Denník NEva Rajčáková, Rada pre reklamRadim Dvořák, zástupca vedúceho Zastúpenia Európskej komisie na Slovensku Moderuje Lukáš Osvald Odhaduje sa, že denne vidíme v závislosti od životného štýlu 2 000 až 10 000 reklám. Väčšinu ani nevnímame, pretože sme si na reklamu natoľko zvykli, že ju považujeme za bežnú súčasť života. Či chceme, alebo …
Kapitalks na Jednom svete: 3,50 na mesiac a sprcha dvakrát týždenne
Diskusia o pracovných podmienkach ľudí vo výkone trestu Hostia: Patrícia Urbanová Michael Bobák Milan Kuruc pplk. JUDr. Jozef Griger, zástupca riaditeľa odboru výkonu väzby a výkonu trestu odňatia slobody plk. Ing. Michal Čápka, riaditeľ odboru zamestnávania Moderuje Ivana Rumanová „V rozsudku sa píše, že ťa odsudzujú na trest odňatia slobody, ale nikto ti nepovie, že okrem toho z teba spravia …
Kapitalks at One World: Human rights under the skin
Discussion with Dutch artist Sander van Bussel Guests: Sander van Bussel Zuzana Števulová, director of theCentre for Legal Aid Hosted by Michal Lipták In the February issue of Kapitál, reporter Sara Činčurová interviewed Dutch artist Sander van Bussel, who will tattoo part of the text of the Declaration of Human Rights on the skin of 70 people …
Deconstruction of colonial narratives in documentary cinema and industry
Guests: Victoria Leshchenko, Docudays UA, Ukraine, or Yuliia Kovalenko Docudays UA, Ukraine Irakli Khvadagiani, Tbilisi State University, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Georgia Alina Gorlova film director, Ukraine Eva Križková, One World Slovakia Peter Ivanič, sociologist, World between the Lines, Slovensko Moderator: Margje de Koning, artistic director of Movies That Matter, Netherlands Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has …
Masterclass: Jessica Kingdon
In this one hour masterclass, director Jessica Kingdon will talk about approaches to observational filming and editing regarding her feature documentary Ascension. The film is a visual essay style examination of the so-called “Chinese dream.” The class will get into pacing, structure, and style as well as filming approaches in terms of access and camerawork. …