15×15×5 (MINISALON 1984)
15×15×5 (Minisalon 1984)
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An essay film on the limits of freedom framed by the story of a unique Czechoslovak artistic experiment from the Normalisation period. In the “Orwellian” year of 1984, artist Joska Skalník distributed wooden boxes around the Czechoslovak art scene with a call for unrestrained artistic play. The resulting works of 244 artists make up the unique Minisalon ensemble – a diverse and ambivalent image of the period. The film narrative likewise mirrors the ensemble’s diversity, seamlessly melding documentary techniques, animation, and television archives.
15×15×5 (Minisalon 1984) / Janek Q Růžička / 2023
Czech Republic, Slovakia
Czech, Slovak
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Slovakia and Czech Republic for Human Rights
Art, History
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