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iHuman is a political thriller about artificial intelligence, power and social control. From the inside of the booming AI industry this film shows how the most powerful and far-reaching technology of our time is changing our lives, our society and our future. iHuman follows pioneers at the frontline of the invisible AI revolution to see …

The secrets of “the last dictatorship in Europe” revealed. A film about contemporary Belarus, social change, freedom and art. A mysterious artist appears in different districts of Minsk. He spreads his canvas and begins to paint. He creates puzzling geometric figures, rectangles and squares. Little by little we get to know the artist better. He …

The 2040 journey began with award-winning director Damon Gameau. Motivated by concerns about the planet his 4-year-old daughter would inherit, Damon embarked on a global journey to meet innovators and changemakers in the areas of economics, technology, civil society, agriculture, education and sustainability. Drawing on their expertise, he sought to identify the best solutions, available to us now, that …

Since the early 1970s, Jewish-Israeli attorney Lea Tsemel has made a career out of defending Palestinians in Israeli courts: from feminists to fundamentalists, from non-violent demonstrators to armed militants, including suicide bombers. In Advocate, filmmakers Philippe Bellaïche and Rachel Leah Jones deconstruct this controversial figure who will defend anyone who opposes what she describes as …

Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump
Is Donald Trump mentally ill? He is the butt of a lot of jokes, but can we prove scientifically that he is not only unsuitable, but also downright dangerous as president of the most powerful country in the world? A disconcerting (but unintentionally hilarious) dive into the brain of one of the most controversial figures …

English subtitles Although they spent 20 years living in a refugee camp in Uganda, two friends never gave up hope of leaving for a better life. Jean-Pierre, his wife and children and 84 year old mother prepare to leave Kyangwali camp to move to the US as part of a resettlement program. A handsome and charismatic musician Isaiah hopes …

A desire for freedom lay behind the creation of a free association of young people from Košice, abiding by the principles of the underground. They became outsiders by choice, with the aim of living freely on the fringes of society and becoming creators of their own destiny. Nowadays, they live in the past, each suspecting …

The first feature-length documentary about the coronavirus in Wuhan. As the first city hit in the global pandemic, the Chinese metropolis with a population of 11 million was placed under an unprecedented lockdown. The film showcases the incredible speed and power of China’s state machinery with its construction of massive coronavirus hospitals, deployment of roving sanitation-fogging robots, …

A documentary time-lapse comedy about modern people in modern times. A collective portrait of the inhabitants of Spišský Hrhov – a Slovak village mentioned in The New York Times – depicting their quest for the ideal model of coexistence. The 21st century is the century of self-realisation for many, and yet it represents a loss …

This film is the first part of the planned three-part documentary series Love & Rage. For more than 30 years climate issues were supposedly at the forefront of our attention. We published data, set up panels, but nothing fundamental happened. Last year, various movements and activists changed the climate game by making their emotions felt and heard. And suddenly, things were set into motion. The film Grief therefore does not deal with climate change through data and degrees …

Woman was born of a desire to see the world through a woman’s eyes. Then the questions started to flow. What are the stages marking a woman’s passage from little girl to 80-year-old grandma? What are her dreams and hopes as well as her greatest fears and scars? What does she expect of life, society and …

The documentary The Earth Is Blue as an Orange is based on the observation of the family, who lives in a small city in the “red zone” of Donbas, one of the most destroyed after shelling. 2014–2015 years were very difficult for this family. They had slept every night in the cellar of their house. The house of …

Since 2017, Chechnya’s tyrannical leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, has waged a depraved operation to “cleanse the blood” of LGBTQ Chechens, overseeing a government-directed campaign to detain, torture and execute them. With no help from the Kremlin and only faint global condemnation, activists take matters into their own hands. In his new documentary, David France uses a remarkable approach …

Executive Producer Fernando Meirelles (City of God, The Constant Gardener) and Malian musician Inna Modja take us on an epic journey along Africa’s Great Green Wall – an ambitious vision to grow a wall of trees stretching across the entire continent to fight against increasing drought, desertification and climate change.

Scheme Birds bursts with the frustration of a generation of Scots let down by society’s promises. We see the fading steel town through the eyes of Gemma, a soon-to-be mother on the verge of adulthood. In a place where you “either get knocked up or locked up,” Gemma carves out brief moments of tenderness amidst the …

Martín P. is a young Argentinian piano virtuoso and composer, who since his breakdown four years ago has been a patient of El Borda – the largest, most notable, but also controversial psychiatric hospital in Latin America. The child prodigy and most promising talent of his generation is now striving to overcome his mental issues and return to life outside the asylum and on concert stages, all while …

Muna je odvážna mladá žena zo Saudskej Arábie. Má už dosť neustálej kontroly zo strany štátu aj svojej rodiny. Dohodnutý sobáš sa neodvratne blíži a spolu s ním aj život bez práv a slobodnej vôle. Muna začne potajomky nakrúcať. Dokumentuje všetky nuansy svojho stiesneného života a svoj plánovaný útek. Film poskytuje bezprecedentné zábery zvnútra najrepresívnejšieho patriarchátu na svete.

Housing prices are skyrocketing in cities around the world. Incomes are not. Push sheds light on a new kind of faceless landlord, our increasingly unliveable cities and an escalating crisis that has an effect on us all. This is not gentrification, it’s a different kind of monster. The film follows Leilani Farha, the UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, …

Paradise on Earth is a documentary about the Slovak journalist and war correspondent Andrej Bán. As his friend, director Jaro Vojtek has been a silent witness to Bán’s struggles, depressions, and complicated relationships. Their intimate conversations, standing in contrast to tragic and painful armed conflicts and refugee crises, laid the foundation for the film’s concept. Jaro follows his friend around the …

A growing group of young adults in Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo are resisting the one-sided reporting about their city; reporting that only shows stereotypical images of war, violence, illness and poverty, which is the result of years of Western domination. Such images do not reflect the reality in which they live in. …

A cruel film about the joy of life. – What would you do with your life if you knew that the Grim Reaper were lurking much closer than usual? Thatʼs precisely the fate of some of the members of the popular band The Tap Tap, all of whom are disabled (or as they cynically call themselves, crippled). Yet, one thing …

At the foot of the Andes Mountains in Chile lies an idyllic German colony. However, the beauty of the place contains a grim past. In 1961, the German preacher Paul Schäfer and his congregation moved to Chile with the stated aim of helping the poor. They established Colonia Dignidad (Colony of Dignity), which transformed into a closed sect. This …
In the Philippines, women get deployed abroad to work as domestic workers or nannies. In order to do so, they frequently leave their own children behind, before throwing themselves into the unknown. In one of the many training centers dedicated to domestic work that can be found in the Philippines, a group of trainees are …
You will defeat the beast with the power of music. – Members of the first Afghan orchestra are 12 to 18 years old, in all countries it is the age of release. We watch the violinist Maria and through her optics we spend days at the conservatory and in the children’s home, we perceive the …
Fleeing war-torn Syria, two doctors and their children are separated from each other. The kids bravely live on their own in Turkey, while their parents make it to Canada and Denmark. Now theyʼre stuck in a Kafkaesque system that reduces their family life to Skype calls. Will they manage to reunite? The film follows a family divided by war and …
Three stories of women in the film Unseen are complemented by three births. Through them, we are given the space to immerse ourselves into the birthing reality in Slovakia and Denmark, and to understand the events that Melody, Stella, and Lucia have faced. The door opens to understanding the complexity of the topic of birth trauma and the …
The Biggest Little Farm chronicles the eight-year quest of John and Molly Chester as they trade city living for 200 acres of barren farmland and a dream to harvest in harmony with nature. Through dogged perseverance and embracing the opportunity provided by natureʼs conflicts, the Chester’s unlock and uncover a biodiverse design for living that exists far beyond …
Young Peyangki lives and studies in a picturesque monastery deep in the mountains of Bhutan. A few years have passed since the king allowed TV and internet into the country, and now the structured daily rituals of candle lighting and recitation of prayers compete with the powerful lure of smart phones. Privately, Peyangki is passionate about love songs and …
When Mexican drug cartels and Chinese traffickers join forces to poach the rare totoaba fish in the Sea of Cortez, their deadly methods threaten to destroy virtually all marine life in the region, including the most elusive and endangered whale species on Earth, the vaquita porpoise. Sea of Shadows follows a team of dedicated scientists, high-tech conservationists, investigative journalists and courageous undercover agents …
In August 2017, a group of teenage ice hockey players from the Czech town of Náchod set off to Morocco onto what was to become the most interesting training camp of their careers. They came here not only to play ice hockey, but also to get to know the locals and their way of life. Several months …
Austyn Tester – handsome and sixteen – feels oppressed by the confines of life in his small hometown in Tennessee. But in the online-streaming world, Austyn is adored by thousands of young girls, all eager for his “likes”, his attention, or just to hear him say their name. For Austyn and many like him, a big enough fan …
Jenniffer is a young sportswoman questioning her career as a national athlete in Cuba. Her mother, Marbelis, is the tough boss of a public fumigation center in downtown Havana. As her brother is getting ready to leave the country, Jenniffer struggles to find her place. This intimate family chronicle, seen from the perspective of two women, unfolds the portrait of …
Three places destroyed by a major disaster: Amatrice in central Italy by an earthquake, Chernobyl in Ukraine by a nuclear catastrophe and Aleppo by war. Once the Dust Settles shows what happens when the dust has settled and the camera crews have left. The film centers around the evocative stories of survivors who are trying to rebuild …
Do tomatoes taste better when they listen to the music of Richard Wagner? – Elias, a small farming village in central Greece, is dying out. But two cousins team up with the village grannies to cultivate tomatoes. With a little help from Wagner’s music, the villagers export their little jars with organic tomato recipes across the world. The film follows …
When night falls in rural Germany, old VW-caravans decorated with flashy lights line the country roads which lead through potato fields and dark forests. Inside theses buses prostitutes from Eastern Europe and Africa await their clients who are passing by. The film portraits these women who came from far away in search for money and …
Oscar nominee Feras Fayyad (“Last Men in Aleppo”) delivers an unflinching story of the Syrian war with his powerful new documentary. For besieged civilians, hope and safety lie underground inside the subterranean hospital known as the Cave, where pediatrician and managing physician Dr. Amani Ballour and her colleagues Samaher and Dr. Alaa have claimed their right to work as equals alongside their male …
Aishe, after losing her husband, suddenly became the sole provider for her three children. She participates in several workshops for emancipation of Muslim women and decides to pursue a career as a female plumber to ease her financial situation. Waterproof gives a humorous insight into the world of a plumber and her colleagues who try to stand …
This film is a response to the current wave of post-humanist thinking caused by the development of technology, AI, and the climate crisis. The human species’ dawning realization of its utter insignificance and transience is resulting in an identity crisis. FREM seeks to reflect this feeling by creating a dehumanized and alienated view of a landscape and nature beyond the human perception of reality. Incomplete thoughts and dialogue fragments, diverse music interrupted by rushes and glitches, …
Ten juvenile delinquents from the largest detention institution in Madagascar have joined a four-month workshop to learn working with a film camera, editing, creating simple cinematic tricks, and telling their own stories. The camera became a tool for them to grasp the new reality, allowing them to express themselves freely despite the isolation they live …
When Abdallah – founder of the Gaza Parkour Team – was invited to Europe, a few years ago, he decided not to make return to Gaza, with the aim of becoming a professional athlete. His friend and teammate Jehad still lives segregated in the Strip. Every day he trains the youngest members of the team: only sport …

Several billion tons of earth are moved annually by humans – with shovels, excavators or dynamite. Nikolaus Geyrhalter observes people in mines, quarries, large construction sites in a constant struggle to appropriate the planet.

This environmental essay, stylised as a dialogue between two members of a higher intelligence, observes life on Earth, specifically a small area of central Europe. Czechs aren’t exactly perfect when it comes to caring for nature. The mysterious beings cannot understand how, in the name of business and the profit of a few successful entrepreneurs, humans have …

Devätnásťročná Ada prijme pozvanie na večeru od svojho známeho. Všetko sa zbehne veľmi rýchlo. Ada sa nebráni. Telo aj myseľ má v troskách. Napriek všetkému alebo práve preto sa mu ešte dvakrát postaví tvárou v tvár, aby ho konfrontovala. Jej príbeh je prepletený s príbehmi ďalších mladých žien. Každý je iný, a predsa rovnako strašný, šialený a všedný ako ten jej.

Fotografka svetového formátu Lene Marie Fossen trpí anorexiou. Jesť prestala, keď mala desať. Prostredníctvom svojej otvorenej a úprimnej tvorby sa usiluje poukázať na hanbu spájanú s anorexiou a čeliť svojej chorobe. Autoportrét zobrazuje cestu a boj Lene Marie. „Kiežby sa dalo začať opäť jesť lusknutím prstov.“ – Lene Marie mala iba tridsaťtri rokov, keď v októbri 2019 zomrela. Film si však stihla pozrieť spolu s rodičmi a priala si, aby sa dostal do celého sveta.