Art as evidence: What did you do to the Russians?
Speakers: Jana Bučka and Michal Fulier (creators of the film What did You Do To The Russians?), Peter Ivanič (Svet medzi riadkami [The World Between the Lines]), hosted by Michal Hvorecký.
Research suggests that people experiencing frustration evaluate their life as unpredictable, impossible to control, and feel a high level of distrust not only towards institutions, but also within interpersonal relationships, are more prone to believe in conspiracy theories. These people live in permanent uncertainty – regardless of whether it has real or perceived causes – which may also be reflected in their attitude to information.
The solution offered by us? At best, we serve people “verified facts” on a platter. Occasionally, the media and the third sector put out a special on critical thinking or organise media literacy workshops in schools. At worst, we lecture these people from a position of superiority, or call them, for example, desolates, or make fun of their neglected teeth. We will now, together with Jana Bučka, Michal Fulier, and Peter Ivanič, look at the issue of disinformation from a different perspective. The filmmakers offer an audiovisual work as evidence and Peter Ivanič brings a sociological viewpoint to the issue.
The discussion will take place on 5.11., 18:00 in A4 – priestor súčasnej kultúry.
Free entry.
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