Audiovision without Barriers II: Blind people have the right to cinema too
Francesca Raffi, renowned expert on inclusion and comprehensive access to cultural space
Eva Križková, Executive Director of the One World Film Festival
Branislav Mamojka, predseda NROZP – Národná rada občanov so zdravotným postihnutím v SR
Mereijn van der Heijden, representative of EARCATCH international
Martin Šmatlák, Audiovisual Fund Slovakia
Emília Perez, media accessibility expert
Blind people have the right to go to the cinema too! But can we remove barriers and ensure that they can fully experience the true festival atmosphere? Is well-prepared audio description accompanying the film enough, or are there other ways? What about learning to not create barriers for audiences with specific needs in the first place?
The discussion panel Audiovision without Barriers II: Blind people have the right to cinema too builds on the initiatives of the One World film festival in the area of access and inclusion. This year, the panel will focus on the needs of blind and visually impaired audiences and will offer an inspiring debate on strategies for creating inclusive design for (not only) film festivals. Examples of good practice from Europe will be reviewed by panellists and compared with the experiences and opportunities offered by the home region, offering another valuable probe into the issue of organizing events for all. This debate on ideological, value-related, strategic as well as technological and pragmatic issues will be hosted by Emília Perez.
The discussion will be held in English and will be interpreted into Slovak and Slovak Sign Language.
The discussion will take place on November 6 at 5 PM in VŠMU. 👉 Join the discussion: with #audiovizia
You can watch the discussion livestream on our Facebook or here.
Free entry
A recording of the panel discussion accompanied by Slovak subtitles will be available shortly after the festival.
The discussion panel is co-organized by the Department of Translation Studies, Faculty of Arts, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia, and is an output of the project VEGA 2/0166/19 Translation as a part of the history of cultural space III. The panel was also prepared with the support of WICIP – Women in Italian Cinema: An Inclusive Project funded by the Italian Ministry of Culture.
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