One World After Dark
Powerful film experiences need a debrief in friendly company, and the many guests to our films provide an opportunity for new introductions and friendships. So don’t leave One World even after dark and continue with us at the bar and Café A4 – A Place of Contemporary Culture. At selected times we will also have unique DJs playing dance music.

TUESDAY November 8, 10PM
DJ NED is a DJ and artist from Kenya, who has been deejaying and performing for close to 20 years, specializing in reggae, world music, hip hop, and Punjabi and African rhythms. Coming from an impoverished background, DJ Ned had to be creative in the way he taught himself how to play music and learnt to make do with whatever equipment was available at the time, including using cassettes and hi-fi turntables. Nowadays he prefers pro turntables; however, he will use whatever is available to deliver good vibes to the people. Currently living in Slovakia, he plays at many of the clubs and festivals in Bratislava, bringing his exclusive style of party rocking with a cultural flair to the city. Greatly inspired by DJs such as Jazzy Jeff and Federation Sounds, you can expect lots of old-school flava and riddims, with some African and Punjabi hits and hip hop elements like scratching thrown in to spice up the set!
WEDNESDAY November 9, 10PM and THURSDAY November 10, 10PM
KARAOKE TUNDRA is a versatile, hard-to-pigeonhole musician and producer of Ukrainian descent who is dedicated to DJing and making his own beats. He has projects such as Futurological Congress and Duck with the Head of a Tiger to his credit. He returned to Slovakia, understandably, for the same reasons as other Ukrainians – because of the Russian invasion.
IRRENAFFORD arrived in Bratislava with the first wave of refugees after her hometown of Kharkiv was subjected to massive shelling and Russian aggression. She translates her experiences and feelings of war and emigration into electric sets combining grime, techno, juke and breakbeat with the sounds of sirens and falling bombs.
FRIDAY November 11, 10PM
Vesnu už vyše 10 rokov vytvára v Bratislave oázy slobody pre slovenskú queer komunitu. Je matkou legendárnej párty Tepláreň, z ktorej sa neskôr stal rovnako kultový bar. S vášňou sebe vlastnou organizuje viaceré klubové noci, ktoré sa stali pojmami na slovenskej tanečnej scéne, najznámejšie sú Homomat a Shame. Na týchto akciách našiel ako DJ aj svoje zázemie. Vesnu je digitálny šaman, ktorý túži, aby sa ľudia na parkete stretli sami so sebou a aj jeden s druhým. Hypnotickými beatmi prekonáva vzdialenosti, hravými setmi s nečakanými zvratmi pripomína, že všetko je tu a teraz. Rád sa pohybuje od techna cez house až po disco. Má rád rauš noci, ale aj nehu rána. Presvedčilo sa o tom publikum vo väčšine domácich klubov, no Vesnu vystupoval aj na festivaloch Grape, maďarskom Sziget či nemeckom Rote Dichte. Za sebou má aj sety na berlínskej party Betriebsfeier či berlínskom vydaní Daddy Issues, hral na akcii Homostash v Londýne či v pražskom klube Bukanýr.

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