Program sections

More than 50 exceptional documentary films that will touch your heart have been divided into eight film sections:

Life is Beautiful 

pár sedí pri sebe

Documentaries inherently tend to view the world rather critically. This selection of films will not leave you with an aftertaste of depression; on the contrary, you will leave with a positive outlook on the world that is still beautiful despite everything, and with a motivation to be part of positive changes. In other words, these are feel-good movies.

Focus: Ukraine

deti kreslia na chodník

This section changes with the times and each year brings a selection of films linked with a particular phenomenon – themes resonating in society, a cross-section of a particular genre, or even profiles of film industry figures. The theme of this year is dedicated to living through the war in Ukraine and coping with it.

Crowned with Laurels


The One World film festival proudly presents the newest documentary films that have been recently awarded at the most prestigious festivals, such as Berlinale, IDFA, Sundance, or Cannes, guaranteeing world-class quality. These films are the most precious imported cherries on top of our festival cake.

Around the World

muž v klobúku s mobilom

Experienced curators have carefully prepared a selection of the best films from around the world, taking into account not only geographical diversity, but also diversity in terms of gender, form and theme. We take great care in providing you with primarily non-colonial filmmaking perspectives from within countries and communities. We give space to voices whose journey to film production has required extraordinary effort and courage.

Slovakia and Czech Republic for Human Rights

man in sofa

An international competition of Slovak and Czech documentary feature films. The winner is selected by a three-member international jury. These films mirror the current events in our region, and they also help us compare two very close yet separate film industries – Slovak and Czech.

One World in Short

This section is dedicated to exceptional short documentaries from all over the world. What they have in common is a unique perspective on the current festival theme and its formal presentation. This year the films are united by the theme of love. 

My Street Films

Kolekcia krátkych dokumentárnych filmov vytvorených v rámci projektu My Street Films SK. Jeho účastníci rozvíjajú v priebehu ôsmich mesiacov pod lektorským vedením výrazných osobností domácej dokumentaristiky pôvodné námety až do podoby filmov, ktoré na Jednom svete uvádzame v slávnostnej premiére. Kolekcia odráža jedinečný pohľad autorov na ich bezprostredný životný priestor. Víťazný film je ocenený trojčlennou porotou.

One World for Children


This year, the One World festival has for the first time collaborated with the Fest Anča International Animation Festival to prepare a section called Fest Anča for the Children of One World. On top of that, we have also prepared a screening of a Slovak embroidered film followed by an embroidery workshop for you and our youngest viewers.





kino lumiere
svet medzi riadkami



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